38 An entity which reports its interest in a jointly controlled entity (see IAS 31 Interests in Joint Ventures ) using proportionate consolidation, includes in its consolidated statement of cash flows its proportionate share of the jointly controlled entity’s cash flows.
39 The aggregate cash flows arising from obtaining or losing control of subsidiaries or other businesses shall be presented separately and classified as investing activities.
40 An entity shall disclose, in aggregate, in respect of both obtaining and losing control https://paydayloanstennessee.com/cities/blountville/ of subsidiaries or other businesses during the period each of the following:
(c) the amount of cash and cash equivalents in the subsidiaries or other businesses over which control is obtained or lost; and
(d) the amount of the assets and liabilities other than cash or cash equivalents in the subsidiaries or other businesses over which control is obtained or lost, summarised by each major category.
41 The separate presentation of the cash flow effects of obtaining or losing control of subsidiaries or other businesses as single line items, together with the ounts of assets and liabilities acquired or disposed of, helps to distinguish those cash flows from the cash flows arising from the other operating, investing and financing activities.
42 The aggregate amount of the cash paid or received as consideration for obtaining or losing control of subsidiaries or other businesses is reported in the statement of cash flows net of cash and cash equivalents acquired or disposed of as part of such transactions, events or changes in circumstances.
42A Cash flows arising from changes in ownership interests in a subsidiary that do not result in a loss of control shall be classified as cash flows from financing activities.
An entity which reports such an interest using the equity method includes in its statement of cash flow the cash flows in respect of its investments in the jointly controlled entity, and distributions and other payments or receipts between it and the jointly controlled entity
42B Changes in ownership interests in a subsidiary that do not result in a loss of control, such as the subsequent purchase or sale by a parent of a subsidiary’s equity instruments, are accounted for as equity transactions (see IAS 27 Consolidated and ended by the International Accounting Standards Board in 2008)).
Accordingly, the resulting cash flows are classified in the same way as other transactions with owners described in paragraph 17
43 Investing and financing transactions that do not require the use of cash or cash equivalents shall be excluded from a statement of cash flow. Such transactions shall be disclosed elsewhere in the financial statements in a way that provides all the relevant information about these investing and financing activities.
44 Many investing and financing activities do not have a direct impact on current cash flows although they do affect the capital and asset structure of an entity. The exclusion of non-cash transactions from the statement of cash flows is consistent with the objective of a statement of cash flows as these items do not involve cash flows in the current period. Examples of non-cash transactions are:
45 An entity shall disclose the components of cash and cash equivalents and shall present a reconciliation of the amounts in its statement of cash flow with the equivalent items reported in the statement of financial position.
46 In view of the variety of cash management practices and banking arrangements around the world and in order to comply with IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements , an entity discloses the policy which it adopts in determining the composition of cash and cash equivalents.